
A Global Perspective 
The College of Arts and Sciences has a long history in the instruction of global cultures, languages and literatures. Many of our faculty are recognized nationally and internationally as a major center for internationally-focused programs. Internationalism and cross-cultural research fill many areas of scholarship in the College. Our students are encouraged to be world citizens who have wide horizons of opportunity, a broad outlook on the different cultures of the world, and a depth of understanding about human communication and interaction. 

Curriculum elements include foreign language and area studies courses as well as courses in international relations and global studies. In addition to the language and area studies programs, students in the College actively participate in various study abroad programs. These programs provide students with an excellent opportunity to study in a foreign country and to participate in the daily life of another culture.

International Scholarship
It is a core mission of the College of Arts of Sciences to enhance the University’s international emphasis and to support the development of activities, programs, exchanges and events that create deeper international and global awareness among faculty, staff, and students. The College aims to increase international scholarly opportunities for faculty in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, and to expand international experiences for students.

You will find our faculty conducting research across the globe by viewing our  List of Faculty by Department and Country.